Sunday, November 30, 2014

Autoimmune and Nutritional Cleansing

Autoimmune diseases and Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishment

written by: dr angela martin king
Are you here because someone you cares about has MS or another autoimmune disease? Are you the one with an autoimmune condition? 
Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases can be life-altering and often lead to disability, depression and a feeling of no-worth.

Yes, I can say this, because I have MS. And even thought I am now a doctor helping other people, I too still battle my MS.

The person who sent you this cares about you. They want you to know that there is something out there that can help. This is not a cure; it will not treat your disease. It will help your body, your immune system get stronger, so it can fight back. This is what I have used to save my career.... because I too was ready to give up. Have hope....

THE INCIDENCE OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE has tripled in the last few decades. 24 million Americans are now affected. But autoimmune disease isn’t just one condition.

You’re probably familiar with the most common autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and psoriasis. But there are many more autoimmune diseases that affect the nervous system, joints and muscles, skin, endocrine gland, and heart.

Simply put, autoimmune diseases are conditions where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues rather than a foreign molecule like bacteria. This happens when something confuses the immune system. Increasingly, that “something” appears to be the enormous load of environmental toxins to which we are all exposed.

Environmental Toxins are foreign compounds that create an “auto” reaction, a reaction against the self. The fact is, these toxins may be the most important cause of autoimmune diseases.

Environmental Toxins: The Leading Cause of Autoimmune Disease
We are exposed to astounding amounts of pollution. Over 80,000 chemicals have been introduced into our society since 1900, and only 550 have been tested for safety. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In fact, a recent government survey – “The National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals” issued in July 2005 — found an average of 148 chemicals in our bodies. And those were only the ones for which they tested.

It gets worse …
at birth: The Environmental Working Group examined the umbilical cord blood of children just as they emerged from the womb. They found 287 industrial chemicals, including pesticides, phthalates, dioxins, flame-retardants, Teflon, and toxic metals like mercury. And this was before these infants even entered the world!

Food & home: That’s not to mention the toxins found in our foods and other chemicals typically found in the home, like certain cleaning agents or pest control products – all of which add to the total toxic load on our bodies.

That environmental toxins are a major cause of autoimmune disease is clear. Yet conventional medicine doesn’t take that into account when treating autoimmune conditions.

Instead, it tries to shut down the immune response with powerful medications including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil and Aleve, steroids like prednisone, anti-cancer drugs like methotrexate, and new drugs like Enbrel and Remicade that block the effects of a powerful inflammatory molecule called TNF alpha.

But those new drugs shut down your immune system so powerfully that they increase your risk of cancer or life-threatening infections. And they have frequent and serious side effects and often give only partial relief. These drugs may be lifesaving for some in the short run — but in the long run they do NOTHING to deal with the causes.

There’s a better way.

Using Functional Medicine to Heal from Autoimmune Disease
I have MS and until I started using this system, I was VERY sick. I could barely function to get through my day. I was fat, unfit and a porr example to my patients. My body was so fatigued I could barely make it 5 blocks without dragging my leg, my brain couldn't function enough to write down patient notes, let alone formulate care plans, my entire life consisted of pushing through my day to collapse on the sofa at 5pm. I was ready to give my entire career up because I could not function anymore.

An observant caring client saw my suffering and offered a solution: nutritional cleansing and replenishment. I had tried other cleanses before... after 3 days I was always WAY WORSE!!! I was stipped of bad stuff but also had lost good stuff, nutrients, vitamins, energy, my will to live (just kidding!) She ensured me that this program was different. The key was the type of cleanse, and the replenishment.

I trusted her enough to start (after realizing I was going to lose my career if I didn't do something).... and that decision saved my life.

Today... I am 35 lbs lighter, my body fat percentage has dropped 7%, my brain is back. I'm running my clinic and working on new programs for expansion. But most importantly, my disease is no longer holding me back and I am FINALLY myself again.

And I'm not the only one who has seen drastic results with this program and autoimmune disease. My twin sister and older sister, who also have MS are thriving. I'm helping with others with RA, fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disease, even post-cancer recovery and the rebuilding of the immune system.

I do have to stress that this is NOT A CURE. My MS is still here... in fact, I am in a relapse as I write this! But my symptoms are down 90%, I am still able to do all my daily activities and have only suffered a mild slowing down of energy, balance and leg strength... which to me is AWESOME!!!

Feeding the body amazing condensed food, full of mega vitamins and minerals, in a highly digestible state is the FUEL we need to repair. Cleansing out the toxins that are firing up our immune systems helps us dcrease the amount of inflammation in our bodies and decrease the "attack" mode.

The question is HOW???

I know that if you have gotten this far, you really want to know how. Well, I can give you a guideline to follow, and you can also add on other things to help you in this journey.

First, you do need to know that when our bodies are this SICK, it does take longer to set it up to heal. So you have to give it TIME. 2-3 weeks before you realize you are feeling better, 3-4 weeks before you might see a weight change. But trust me.... you will see a change if you keep going :)

Recommended Starter plans: WeightLoss Presidents Pak with Eshots, with an extra container or 2 of Ionix, perhaps extra Product B, IsaOmegas, Ageless Joint support

1) 5 shake days first! Replenishment is VERY important so that the cleansing is not too much!
2) Cleanse: depending on severity of symptoms! Start with nightly cleansing if you are moderately or severely affected by your disease. You can start on a one day cleanse if you want and stop at anytime. Your symptoms will likely increase on cleanse days. Every person with MS I have cleanse coached has had this happen. it is temporary (like 20-30 minutes per symptom) but make sure you know this! 2 day cleanses can be done, but please make sure you are healthy enough to do this.... when you ARE ready, go for it! WE tend to be very toxic and this is how we get better alot faster :)
3) Ionix: automatically double it. Morning and night. you can safely take 4 servings a day. I take an extra serving when I am stressed or feel a relapse coming on. It helps alot with energy and stress.
4) Ageless Essentials with Product B: super-uptake has been proven in our vitamin line. Product B... if you do not know what this is, you must learn. It is one of the best defenses against free radical damage and genetic repair.... and anyone with chronic disease does not repair their DNA well. (which leads to more degeneration and disease)
4) IsaOmegas: fish oils are anti-inflammatory. Autoimmune is worsened by inflammation. Simply taking 4-6 of these a day will help.... there are 2 already in each vitamin pak.
5) Ageless joint Support: most of us with these disease also have chronic pain. Glucosamine, chondroitin and many of the other ingredients in this also fight inflammation (the main cause for joint pain, which preceded arthritis). I can't live without this now :)

For those Associates reading this for tips: please remember your friend has a chronic disease that is disabling. This may be golden ticket to getting healthier! But they also have heard of other "miracle cures" and nutrition plans. They have likely tried them and failed. Be supportive, reassure them, and please give them ALL of the info they need to make the right decision. This list of products may seem large.... but trust me, they are all needed. (I've been without my AE with Product B for 13 days and I'm relapsing? )

A few more things to do outside of this program....
  • Get tested for mercury and other heavy metals.
  • Get tested for celiac disease (an autoimmune reaction to wheat and other gluten-containing grains), which causes over 60 autoimmune diseases. And consider eliminating other inflammatory foods from your diet such as dairy, eggs, corn and animal fats for a few weeks to see if it makes a different your symptoms.
  • Take immune-balancing nutrients and supplements, including vitamin D, essential fats (like EPA/DHA and GLA), and probiotics.
  • Practice deep relaxation daily through yoga, meditation, biofeedback, or anything that reverses the stress response.
Now I’d like to hear from you …Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?  How have conventional treatments worked for you?  Do you plan to try any of the lifestyle approaches mentioned here?  Please let me know your thoughts by adding a comment below.

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